
Belgian endive is the prime example of forcing. The roots of Belgian endive are placed in buckets and the foliage grows under the influence of heat, but the leaves remain white due to a lack of light. The roots of salsify and dandelion can also be potted in a dark shed or cellar. The pale leaves that grow from the roots of the dandelion are a tasty vegetable in salads. The young dandelion leaf used to be widely eaten and is called mole lettuce. Salsify and the few non-weeded dandelions can also simply be left in the vegetable garden; cover them under a thick layer of straw. In the spring the leaves will start to grow and the pale leaves can be harvested. By covering Good-King-Henry (a forgotten vegetable) with black plastic or a bleach jar, the yellow or pink leaves are created.
Dandelion, photo: CC0 Public Domain